Jacques Lalande
Untitled (Snow Day)
Untitled (Girls with Cat)
Untitled (Portrait of Mother and Child)
Untitled (Woman with Fan)
Untitled (Portrait of Woman and Boy)
Untitled (Woman with Guitar)
Untitled Painting (Musicians)
Untitled Painting (Musicians Standing)
Untitled Painting (Musicians and Cat)
Untitled Painting (Women with Children)
Untitled Painting (Family Reading)
Untitled Painting (Mother and Child)
Untitled (Nude Woman on Beach)
Untitled (Girls)
Untitled (Girl with Umbrella)
Untitled (Group of Musicians)
Untitled (Children with Dog)
Untitled (Girls in Garden)
Untitled (Woman Feeding Cat)
Untitled (Two Nudes)
Untitled (Nude)
Untitled (People with Pigeons)
Untitled (Bird)
Untitled (Beach Scene)
Untitled (Woman)
Untitled (Women with Cats)
Untitled (Figures with Goats)
Untitled (Figures with Bird)
Three Musicians
Ballet Dancer
Tea For Two
The Violinist
Mother And Child At Beach
Music Lesson
Musician With Children