Walter von Nessen
Chase Soldier Bookends, Pair
Chase Taurex Candelsticks, Group of 4
Chase Horse Bookends, Pair
Chase Chrome and Bakelite Coronet Coffee Urn and Comet Tea Service
Chase Brass Elephant Bookends, Pair
Chase Cat Bookends, Pair
Chase Bookends, Group of 6
Chase Service Ware Collection, Group of 12
Chase Service Ware Collection, Group of 11
Chase Soldier Bookends and Lamp, Group of 3
Chase Elephant Bookends, Group of 3
Chase Pelican Smoker's Stand and Ashtray, Group of 2
Chrome and Bakelite Coronet Coffee Urn Service
Chase Cat Doorstops and Bookend, Group of 3
Diplomat Coffee Service
Chase Elephant Bookends, Pair
Planet Lamps, Near Pair
Taurex Candlesticks, Pair