Geoffrey Beene, 25 Fashion Illustrations (c. 1985)

Geoffrey Beene, 25 Fashion Illustrations (c. 1985)

LX: Fashion, Art, and Estates

September 7, 2023 | 11:00 AM ET

Chelsea Exhibition
Tuesday, September 5: 11-3PM
Wednesday, September 6: 11-3PM

An eclectic sale of fashion, and estate finds including paintings, a collection of bohemian glass from the estate of Albert Bela Bauer, carpets from the estate of Mason Adams, as well as books, furniture, and more. In the fashion section of the sale,  Capsule continues to offer property from the collection of the Estate of Geoffrey Beene, of which proceeds will benefit the Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital. The property includes one-of-a-kind vintage mannequins and illustrations from his personal collection.
