Lot 83
1627 Mattioli in French herbal, c.1478 woodcuts

Estimate: $700 - $1,000

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Pietro Andrea MATTIOLI (1501-1577) and Antoine DU PINET (translator).

Les Commentaires de M.P. André Matthiolus, medecin Senois, sur les six livres de Pedacius Dioscoride Anazarbéen, de la matiere medicinale: Traduits de Latin en Francois, par M. Antoine du Pinet … et augmentez à la dernière édition de l'autheur, tant de plusieurs remèdes et diverses sortes de maladies comme aussi de distillations et de la cognoissance des simples, avec plusieurs tables fort amples.... Lyon: Claude Rigaud & Claude Obert, 1627. Pp.  [iii-cxxx]; 1-111, ‘100’-‘101’, 114-151, ‘138’, 153-425, ‘408’, 427-504, ‘503’-‘510’, 513, ‘512’-603; [27 pages only of 35 of indices]. Folio (13 ¼ x 9 inches; 3356 x 228mm).  ith the title printed in red and black, woodcut author's portrait and c. 1478 woodcuts in text. (lacking first leaf and 4 leaves at the end, margins of first few leaves with old quite crude repairs and re-enforcing, with some loss to the text, some soiling and old dampstaining, p.195 with surface damage). Later vernacular cream leather binding (old repairs, soiled). Provenance: early inscription to title.

An interesting copy: reissue of the 1619 edition of Antoine Du Pinet's French translation of the chief work of the Italian phycisian and botanist Pietro Andrea Mattioli (1501-1577), "an excellent botanist and a renowned physician" (Hunt). The book, first published in Latin in 1554 and French in 1566, is presented as a commentary on Dioscorides's ‘De materia medica’ but actually extends far beyond the source: Mattioli’s long commentaries contain an account of all the plants then known to him.  These include some species he found himself, but most are of plants whose descitions were communicated to him by others. In addition to the main section on medical plants,  the book also contains a chapter on distillation and a few short chapters on animals.

Krivatsy 7571; cf. Arber, pp. 92-97; cf. Nissen, BBI, 1312; cf. Pritzel 5991; not in Baudrier, Garrison & Morton, Wellcome, Bibl. Walleriana, Hunt, or Nissen ZBI.

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