Lot 84
1809 American Music Subscriber's copy w/ MS pages

Estimate: $500 - $800

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[WOMEN].  [Madan, Martin]. The Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes Sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. Boston: Published by West & Blake, and Manning & Loring. Manning & Loring, printers, 1809.  From the last London edition.

Dedication to the president, vice-presidents and governors of the Lock Hospital signed: M. Maden. Knightsbridge, Aug. 18, 1769./ "Advertisement to the American edition," p. [vi], dated; Boston, Sept. 1809./ "Subscribers' names"--Page [vii]-viii./ "Table of the first lines" and "Index," p. [199-200]; + manuscript pages, ie: 11 leaves with handwritten musical notations from Handel's Messiah on both sides with lyrics in English, and 5 leaves with blank staves.

Calligraphic bookplate, ELIJIAH NEVERS-- one of the subscribers, address listed as "Cambridge"; the  History of the Handel and Haydn Society, of Boston has Nevers as its 118th member, joining in April 1816. 

"The first Handel and Haydn Society concert, presented on Christmas Day to an audience of 1,000 at King’s Chapel in Boston, concluded with two arias and two choruses, including the “Hallelujah” Chorus, from Messiah, and H+H has been defined by its attachment to the oratorio ever since. H+H published a score of the work around 1816, and it was the Society who gave the American premiere of the complete work on December 25, 1818." Handel and Haydn Society website [https://handelandhaydn.org/about/history/beyond-messiah/]

The London Lock Hospital was the first voluntary hospital for venereal disease. It was also the most famous and first of the Lock Hospitals which were developed for the treatment of syphilis following the end of the use of lazar hospitals, as leprosy declined...[adding] The Lock Asylum for the Reception of Penitent Female Patients in 1787 as a refuge for women who had been treated at the hospital. Wikipedia

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