Lot 190
1930s Photo Album : Philippines, China, torture

Estimate: $750 - $1,000

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Unknown photographer

[CHINA] [PHOTOGRAPHY] Photo Album : Philippines, China, cockfighting, torture, Solar eclipse, and indigenous people, foot binding etc.

Death by a 1000 cuts & other


Photo album— mainly Asia, c 1930.

Contains 180+ images, various sizes and formats, including snapshots and post cards, both printed and real photo.  Many have handwritten captions in white, often flaking or worn away. Pages are loose, some showing signs of moisture damage and general wear; see images for condition issues. Sold as found.   Inquiries welcome. 

Partial list contents: 

  • U.S.S.Chaumont. (Inside cover)
  • ”One of the reasons why we like the orient,” caption of a photograph showing a well-stocked bar with two bartenders, “NO CHITS“ etched (?) on the mirror.  
  • “Baguro” and other locations identified.
  • Multiple snaps & postcards showing indigenous people.
  • Group of larger images depicting a hospital in the Philippines, possibly newly constructed.
  • A river fishing boat viewed from above.
  • View with a large steamship in the distance and  what appears to be a woman preparing a sail in the foreground.
  •  Postcards of the Philippines
  • Snapshot of a woman “selling flowers “
  • “Native” on a mule drawn cart
  • Images of what appears to be a school’s sports field
  • Snapshot —crowd scene of a religious procession involving an extremely large crucifix; signs on shops visible.
  • postcards, including black-and-white of cock fight, some market scenes; two lower ones are damaged, one with loss
  • Interior of a Spanish cathedral
  • Indigenous people walking along a forest road
  • Disturbing image of a man in a field with his face covered by a hood, legs and hands tied, and a child in the background slightly out of focus.
  • Image of an American naval officer
  • Small format photo of three young boys
  • A woman dressed in native grass skirt
  • Small format snapshots of westerners and their home, including monkeys.
  • Image of a sign reading: United States Naval reservation number 473. 7 acres. It is forbidden to cutdown trees, cut off limbs of trees, injure shrubbery or otherwise trespass upon this reservation. Note the squatters resident upon this reservation are there by permission only and have no property rights thereon. By commandant. 16th Naval District.
  • View of the forest reserve.
  • Glossy postcards of Hawaiian scenes, including Diamondhead at Waikiki Beach. 
  • Two larger, possibly professional images of what appear to be the Western travelers  in Spanish or Roma costumes; with 2 others on following page. Writing under images illegible.
  • An image titled The bread wagon, Guam, M. I.
  • Three other views of Guam
  • Image of solar eclipse  marked “11 foot camera” 
  • Sepia image of a native child holding a book, stamped Central Studio Manila
  • larger format glossy photos of travelers in Spanish costumes one captioned “what hour what we turned out to be after—-?”
  • Lingchi--“Female robber | piece cut at | Peking” —Photo pc of the brutalized remains of a woman tied to a post, surrounded by people, including a man carving flesh from her side.
  • Other “punishment” images.

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