Lot 234
9 photos: shops and shop interiors c.1900-1927

Estimate: $80 - $100

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About this Lot

GAGNÉ, of Dover New Hampshire, STEVENS Studio, of Rochester, N.H., and others, photographers.  SHOP INTERIORS. – A collection of nine mounted photographs of the windows (2), the exterior (1) and interiors (6) of LOTHROPS, FARNHAM & Co., Dover New Hampshire, and elsewhere. [New Hampshire?: one dated 1927 in the negative, but most circa 1900]. 9 photographs (7 ½ x 9 ¾inches; 190 x 247mm, and smaller), each with original card mount. (Some fading [see images], some damage to mounts).

Images include a Christmas window display: a large doll in a nightdress, candle in hand, waits to one side of a chimney, ready to ambush Father Christmas, to the other side of the chimney is a coat  (priced at $15) and, on the floor, a flintlock pistol. There are also six umbrellas; the second window phot is more sophisticated in its arrangement and displays smarty men’s clothes, shoes, belts, hats and suitcases. There is one more general exterior image of a clothes store, and then 6 of the interior of one or more  department stores, showing the clothing department, shoe department and the furnishing goods department – at least one of these looks to be of the Lothrops-Farnham store.

For similar images, see https://archive.org/details/dovernewhampshir00doveiala/page/140/mode/2up?q=lothrops+farnham

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