Lot 237
Daniels (photog) Margaret Morris dancing, signed

Estimate: $300 - $500

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About this Lot

Margaret MORRIS. - Fred DANIELS (photographer). Margaret Morris dancing A book of pictures by Fred Daniels with an introduction and outline of her method by Margaret Morris. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co Ltd, [undated but 1925]. Large quarto (11 x 8 7/8 in; 280 x 226mm). Pp. [i-viii; ix-x], 11-94.  40 half-tone photographic plates by Fred Daniels followed. Blue cloth, upper cover and spine blocked and gilt. Provenance: Sir William Arbuthnot Lane (1856-1943, presentation inscription “To Sir Arbuthnot Lane / with Margaret Morris’s / compliments /Janry 1926’)

Dance as a means of health & exercise as well as poise & choreography – an appropriate presentation as Sir William was the founder of the New Health Society. ‘New Health Society sought to transform the "rapidly degenerating community" into a "nation composed of healthy, vigorous members". Blending a utopian vision, progressive gender ideology, social darwinist rhetoric, and eugenic rationales—which, altogether, reflected the period's prevailing framework—New Health Society's view, not hereditarian, however, depicted humankind's regeneration as pivoting on health education. Sidestepping issues of poverty and inequality, it took health as a personal responsibility and duty of citizenship, whereby health and happiness were attainable by all who consumed a high-fibre diet, exercised, and got ample sunshine, while using birth contral and reforming men’s dress. Although embracing modern science, technology, and mass media, New Health Society suggested valorisation of "native" culture, and found the bowels central to health, while constipation anchored many of civilisation's ills.’ (wikipedia).

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