Lot 7
Science fiction collection vintage books

Estimate: $400 - $500

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About this Lot

Fantasy Press, Gnome Press, etc.

Single owner collection of early science-fiction books and journals, in acceptable condition. That includes:

Single owner collection of early science-fiction books and journals, in acceptable condition. That includes:

Lester Dal Re: why. Nerves. An explosive story of danger in a peacetime atomics plant. Ballantine # 151.  Paperback original, 1956. Inside cover inscribed Richard Bowers.

Campbell, John W.  The Moon Is Hell.  The Golden Science Fiction Library No. 2.Reading, Pa.  Fantasy Press, 1951.  Paper covers in gold with text and designs in black.  

Simak, Clifford D.  Cosmic Engineers. An interplanetary Saga.  NY: Gnome Press, (1950); “first edition” stated; vg/g.

Moore, C. L.  Northwest of Earth.NY: Gnome Press, (1954); “first edition” stated; g/g. Gutter darkened or stained.

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